Heatsink and exhaust pipeline

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Registrován: pon dub 24, 2023 4:46 pm
Typ Libera: Libero E12 FA Deluxe
Bydliště: Italia

Heatsink and exhaust pipeline

Příspěvek od LiberoItalia »

Dear All,
I'm Alessandro, I live in Italy and I'm restoring my 1995 Libero E12.
I read several topics of your nice forum but I couldn't find any answer about my problems.
1. Heat sink. In the engine compartment, the heat sinks are completed destroyed by rust. No more spare parts are available in Italy. Do you know where I can find some, even if not the original ones :idea: ?
2: Exhaust pipeline (with lambda sensor). It has some cracks and should be changed. In Italy it's impossible to find a new or used one, on JP car parts websites I got the same reply. How can I solve the problem?
Thanks in advance for any help
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Re: Heatsink and exhaust pipeline

Příspěvek od kraxna »

You need to make it by yourself, there are no available new original/nooriginal parts like this.
Zpomal a užij si to. :)
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Re: Heatsink and exhaust pipeline

Příspěvek od covex »

Libero is entering a pure veteran life - most components need to be hand-made. The only spare parts available are used/refurbished. It is possible to get some spare parts new, but not those most used.

I am not sure what you mean by the heat sink in engine compartement - for exhaust? On the exhaus manifold there is only this "U" pipe with lambda, then elastic element, catalytic converter and exhaust silencer.
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Re: Heatsink and exhaust pipeline

Příspěvek od theberlin »

Gerade bei #eBayKleinanzeigen gefunden. Wie findest du das?

https://www.ebay-kleinanzeigen.de/s-anz ... pp_android
schrott und knitterfreie fahrt wünscht Thomas